Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Homeless College Students | Honolulu Magazine

Matt and I photographed homeless college students for the April issue of Honolulu Magazine. Malia, Falynn, and Kevin were so gracious to let us in and share their lives, they are truly motivated and determined to change their situations and better themselves, going to college full-time while living at the homeless shelters here. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories with us.

Falynn and her daughter Haeden play in transitional housing.

Malia sits in the stairwell she woke up in and realized she needed to turn her life around. A friend helped her find a homeless shelter and she stopped doing drugs and prostitution in Waikiki.

Malia studies on her bunk in the homeless shelter.

Malia sits on 'the wall' in Waikiki where she goes to be alone and cry.

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